STL C++ 사용자 가이드
Rogue Wave STL C++ User Guide
Windows Build Notes
To build GNUitar on Windows, you will need the following:
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler (MSVC);
GTK 1.2 for Windows
Glib 1.2 for Windows
GNU libintl for Windows
GNU libiconv for Windows
All the software except MSVC is free and can be downloaded from the site
Currently, the exact links are: (general link for libiconv)
Please note that these links may change with the software updates. Another important note that since the first edition of this build guide, the original packages for GLib 2.2 and GTK 1.3 were removed. What I found are somewhat different versions, however I believe they should work. There is a certain doubt about compatibility of GLib 2.4 and libintl 0.10. In the case of any problems you should download all the latest packages for GLib and its dependencies (but NOT GTK 2.6 !)
You need to prepare your build environment, before you start to compile. Most of the packages above contain 2 important directories: "lib" and "include". Copy the contents of the "lib" directory of each package to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib (adjust this path to the real path where your MSVC installed), and the contents of the "include" directory to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include. Rename include\glib-2.0 to include\glib, lib\glib-2.0 to lib\glib, move \lib\include\gtk+\gdkconfig.h to include\gtkconfig.h. Now, you are ready to build the program. Launch MS Visual Studio, choose File->Open, select file gnuitar.dsp.
Select Build->Set Active Configuration and choose "Release" for Pentium Pro/II/III, or "Release 586" for Pentium processor, to make the benefit of Pentium CPU extended instructions set.
Press F7 to start build. If all the above were done correctly, you should not get error messages (please note that it produces few dozens of warnings, it is ok). If you get something like "Linker error: cannot resolve external symbols ...", this means that you've done something wrong when preparing build environment.
Command-line users should first run the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat, to set environment variables, and then run:
nmake /f gnuitar.mak
If all went fine, you should pickup the file gnuitar.exe in the folder gnuitar\Release\ or gnuitar\Release 586\ depending on which configuration did you chose. Now, copy the gnuitar executable somewhere where you are going to keep it, and copy the files:
to the same folder as gnuitar.exe. Ready.
Windows Installation - Binary Package
GNUitar binary package does not require specific install on Windows - just unzip the package and run gnuitar.exe.
Linux - Install From RPM
RPM stands for RedHat Package Manager. Just download rpm file from the GNUitar site, and issue shell command as root:
rpm -i gnuitar-x.y.z.i386.rpm
Linux - Create Your RPM
You can create your own rpm package on Linux. To do so, you need first to install the package "rpm-build" from your Linux CD (first check does the /usr/src/redhat/ directory exist, if yes then you already have it installed). Then, copy the file gnuitar.spec to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS, and gnuitar-x.y.z.tar.gz to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES. Changde dir to /usr/src/redhat/specs and issue
rpm -bb gnuitar.spec