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'writeroom'에 해당되는 글 1건
2008. 5. 20. 05:00

사용자 삽입 이미지
Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, Dark Room is just about you and your text.

Basically, Dark Room is a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive application. It is a child of necessity, as there were no viable alternatives in Windows to produce the same behavior. Sure, you can kind of emulate the behavior by jumping through a bunch of hoops in Word/Writer, but it isn’t the same. Also, you can do something similar in emacs, but who wants to learn a bunch of obscure keyboard shortcuts?

The goal of the project is to capture the essence of WriteRoom, while keeping it simple and just as free.
Keyboard Shortcuts

File Menu
Clear Document: Ctrl+N
Open Document: Ctrl+O
Save Document: Ctrl+S
Quit: Ctrl+Q
Edit Menu
Undo: Ctrl+Z
Redo: Ctrl+Y
Cut: Ctrl+X
Copy: Ctrl+C
Paste: Ctrl+V
Select All: Ctrl+A
Find: Ctrl+F
Find Next: F3
Preferences: Ctrl+,
View Menu
Statistics: Ctrl+/
Toggle Fullscreen: F11 or Esc

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